Read on to discover what it is!

We’re living in unprecedented times. The last several months, nations around the world have been shut down due to the coronavirus. And these last few weeks we’ve watched all 50 states along with many countries around the world protest against the systematic racial injustice and police brutality towards people of color, specifically black people in the United States. Both of these issues illicit a plethora of emotions that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and in a state of unrest. As Chayil Women, what do we do in circumstances like this?
Sis, there are many different ways that we can manage our emotions; and there are many ways we can fight against the injustice going on around us -- some of those things we will touch on in upcoming posts. But today, I wanted us to chat about what I have found over time is the most impactful way to fight my battles as a Chayil Woman.
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
There are battles that we can see and those that we cannot; battles that we can control and those that we cannot. Sis, I know you’re asking, well how do we win these battles? The key to winning these battles is by calling on the name of Jesus in prayer. The bible says “ that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).
Let’s be clear, prayer alone is not the solution to the battles of life. Even the bible says that faith without works is dead (James 2:26); and that we must watch and pray (Matthew 26:41). So when we have put in work in the spiritual -- in prayer; we still have work to do in the natural by our actions. But in the place of prayer is where you will find peace, clarity of thought, fresh ideas, and clear direction. In the place of prayer -- in the spiritual realm -- that is where battles are first won.

Prayer engages the presence of the Lord. And where God is, victory will be won, because He promises us 100% Victory, 100% of the time (2 Corinthian 2:14). When we call on God in prayer, in the name of Jesus, He becomes our shield in battle; and He covers us and surrounds us:
Psalm 145:18 says that “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.”
Psalm 91:4 assures us that “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”
Psalm 23:4 declares that “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 139:5 tells us that “You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me.”
Psalm 32:7 reminds us that “You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah”
Psalm 125:2 states “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.”
Psalm 34:7 articulates that “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them.”
Zechariah 2:5 says “For I, declares the Lord, will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.”
Sis, you are covered when you pray! Our prayer is the key to winning battles in life. As the song Surrounded echos, “It may look like I’m surrounded, but I’m surrounded by You”. So though it may look like coronavirus is winning, and it may look like racism is winning, Sis, keep praying! God is fighting on our behalf -- He says in His word that he blesses those who thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied (Matthew 5:6). And though we may not see the results in the physical realm, things are already happening in the spiritual realm.
Our battles are won when we surround ourselves with the presence of God in prayer. And the bible encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonian 5:17), as this is the will of God. God wants us to be in His presence continually; we are so special to Him.
But Sis, we know life is busy. So how do we continually engage the presence of God through prayer? When the bible talks about praying without ceasing, it’s not necessarily a constant state of prayer, but more so a constant state of engaging the presence of God and being in communion with Him. Here are a few things that I try to practice to constantly engage the presence of God in prayer.
PRAYER JOURNAL - I try to keep a prayer journal. It’s a great way for me to write love letters to my Father. But it is also an opportunity for me to pour out my heart to Him about my hurts, concerns, joys, hopes, and desires, and lay them at His feet. It has been a blessing to look back at prayer points I have written, after He has answered to see how far He has brought me.
PRAYER CLOSET/AREA - The ideal is a closet that you can make into a comfortable prayer oasis specially to spend intimate time with God in prayer at the start or end of your day. But as in my case, I have no closet to spare at home (LOL). So find a small corner in a guestroom or a corner in your basement or office that you can set apart specially for prayer -- with no distractions. Hang up scriptures on the wall that inspire you. Use Post-It Notes to Hang up prayer points for yourself and others. If you have a vision board for the year, you can hang it there, that way you continually pray over your vision through the year. Add a soft plush rug -- there will be days that you need to lay out in prostration in prayer. This will be a special place for you and your Father.
PRAYER PARTNER - Find another Sister that you trust and can confide in to be a prayer partner. And this is not about sharing your deep dark secrets or gossiping (yea that). But scripture articulates the power of agreement. It’s beneficial to have a Sister that you can agree with in prayer concerning your prayer points as well as for others. Sure you can pray with your spouse as well, but having a Sister to pray with can add a special touch to your prayer life. Something profound happens when women pray. Prayerfully consider who you would want this person to be.
WORSHIP PLAYLIST - I’m a music junkie. I am a sucker for worship music. So I’ve created worship playlists and stations that I can listen to on my drive into work and sometimes at my desk. Many times when I focus on the lyrics of the songs on my playlist I will break out into a prayer. It may just be a prayer of Thanksgiving, but it gives me a moment to stop everything and just talk to my Father. Take time to pick out songs for your playlist that usher you into a place of prayer.
DEVOTIONALS - Many times when I am struggling with something or want to grow in a particular area, I find a devotion for it in the Bible App. And finding devotions on prayer have been no different. I often look for devotions regularly that engage me in some sort of prayer -- whether it’s praying for my marriage or praying the names of God or praying about loss -- I can always find a devotion in season. I am currently enjoying the devotion by Cora Jakes Coleman on 7 Prayers for Ferocious Warriors
God has never lost a battle, and He will not begin with you
So Sis, no matter what you are battling with right now -- whether the overwhelming emotions of our current reality or tension at home or depression or losing a loved one or losing your job -- no matter what it is, fighting in the place of prayer is the key to winning the battle. The presence of God will not fail you. In His presence He will give you fullness of joy, direction, wisdom, clarity, hope, and peace. God has never lost a battle, and He will not begin with you.
Share in the comments below what ways you like to engage the presence of God in prayer. And if you have a prayer point that I can agree with you on, send me a message and I will join you prayer.