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The Chayil Father

Who Is He? Read On & Find Out!


Hey Brothers! Welcome to this week’s blog! This one's for you!

Sis, you know if there’s a Chayil Woman, then there's gotta be a Chayil Man -- you know, that Mighty Man of Valor (Judges 6:12). A warrior man that finds his strength and his will from fearing the Lord. Remember that fear that we spoke about, where we have total reverence and respect and honor for God. Many of us have likely met a man at some point in our life that we would categorize as a Chayil Man. I pray that many of us currently have men in our lives that we put in that category.

And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, "The Lord is with you, mighty man of valor!" ~ Judges 6:12

Bro, if you’re wondering what we’re talking about when we say a “Chayil Man”, we’re talking about that Mighty Man of Valor. Chayil = Valor.

As we celebrate Father’s Day this week, here is an ode to all the Chayil Men that play the critical role of father, husband, uncle, godfather, brother, & son. We honor and celebrate you!


Defining what a man is can be so tricky. Just like women, men are very complex. There are the physiological and biological attributes that define a man. There are the societal qualities and attributes that define a man. And then there are the spiritual characteristics that define a man. These spiritual characteristics of a man are the defining factors to the Chayil Man.

The bible had many men that possessed the characteristics of a Chayil Man: Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Solomon, Josiah, Joseph the Carpenter, John the Baptist, & Timothy --- just to name a few. But this week, let’s explore three key characteristics of 4 different men in the bible that we can also categorize as Chayil Fathers. These men possessed the attributes of men that many women would want to marry and many children would want in a father. But most importantly, each of these men were called and chosen by God to be Chayil Fathers.



“[...] Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.” ~ Genesis 6:9
  • Righteous (Genesis 6:9): In a society that had turned away from God, Noah was found in right standing with God. Because of his righteousness, God did not wipe out the whole earthy -- and humanity was preserved through him. Because of his righteousness, his wife and children were preserved. A Chayil Father knows that his walk with God can preserve his generations to come.

  • Favored (Genesis 6:8): Because he walked with God, Noah was favored by God. There are attributes of a man that come as a direct correlation with their walk with God, and favor is 100% one of those things. I had a former client that would always tell me, “Favor ain’t Fair!” When a Chayil Father walks with God diligently, he will eat the harvest of fruits he did not earn. Putting in work in the spiritual realm, will manifest fruits in the physical realm for you and your family.

  • Reliable (Genesis 6:22): God had very concise instructions for Noah, and God found him to be reliable to follow through with those instructions with accuracy. Can God rely on you? Can your family rely on you? A Chayil Father ensures his family feels secure and safe by always exemplifying his reliability.


“[...] So Abraham is the spiritual father of those who have faith but have not been circumcised.  They are counted as righteous because of their faith.” ~ Romans 4:11
  • Obedient (Genesis 12:1-4, 22:1-18): Throughout scripture, we find that Abraham was consistently obedient to God. He did not know or understand how God was going to bring about the physical manifestation of the promises concerning his life, but He always faithfully obeyed. He is a Chayil Father who passed on that legacy of obedience to his children.

  • Faithful (Hebrew 11:8-19): There is a reason why Abraham is called the Father of Faith. Not only did Abraham always obey God -- he always did it by faith. He could have wavered along the way, but he remained steadfast in his trust in God. That same faithfulness is reflected in his wife as well. In that even when Sarah was past child-bearing age, by faith, she gave birth to the promise of God. A Chayil Father lives by example, and remains faithful to God through every season of life -- in abundance, in barrenness, and everything in between.

  • Trustworthy (Genesis 12:2, 17:2-8): To be trusted by God is HUGE! There is a confidence that God had in Abraham in order to bestow on him the honor of being the Father of Faith. Because of Abraham's obedience and faithfulness, God chose him to be the Father of all nations; he chose his lineage to be His chosen people. Every major religion today, comes from the lineage of Abraham. A Chayil Father must be trustworthy. Not only should God trust you with what He has given you, but your family should trust you to always protect, serve, and cover them.


“Now go, for I am sending you to Pharoah. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.” ~ Exodus 3:10
  • Empathetic (Genesis 2:11-12): Even though Moses did not grow up with the Israelites, when he saw wrongdoing towards them, he empathized with their suffering. This action was the first step he took towards his calling as the leader of the Children of Israel. Moses was called not only to lead his home, but also to lead his nation. A Chayil Father is sensitive to the needs and challenges of his family. This quality makes him a great leader outside of the home as well.

  • Humble (Exodus 33:15): Moses showed humility throughout his journey as a leader. Even with all the power God had given him, Moses still years into the work, in all humility, relied on God for guidance and direction as a leader. A Chayil Father exercises humility not only with God, but also with his family. Never think you are too big or that you’ve made it; always rely on God.

  • Friend of God (Exodus 33:11): Unlike most men in the bible, God spoke to Moses face-to-face. Because of his relationship with God, he had opportunities to dwell in God’s presence. Moses would experience the glory of God so much, that when he returned to the camp, God’s glory would still be shining around him. A Chayil Father dwells in God’s presence, and the manifestation of God’s glory shines not only on him, but in his home.


“[...] The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people [...]” ~ 1 Samuel 13:14
  • Just (2 Samuel 8:15): God is a just God; and David being a man after God’s heart was also known for being just and equitable in his reign as King. A Chayil Father likewise exercises justice in his home by leading in truth and principle.

  • Loyal (1 Samuel 17:37, 24:1-13): David was loyal to the core. He was loyal to God and relied on Him to fight and win his battle rather than relying on his own strength. He was also loyal to Saul. Even though Saul did not deserve it, and David knew he was already chosen to be the next king, he remained unwaveringly loyal nonetheless. Being loyal shows commitment,allegiance, and faithfulness. When a Chayil Father exemplifies loyalty, even his enemies will pivot to favor him.

  • Worshiper (2 Samuel 6:14): David was known for unrelenting and unapologetic worship. He worshiped God with all his might. Worship is a sign of deep reverence, and God requires it from us. A Chayil Father having a deep reverence for God creates an atmosphere of worship in his home which in turn invites the presence of the Lord to abide there.


And then there is God the Father -- HE IS the Father of all fathers. Fellas, whatever attributes you feel like you lack or you are struggling with, look to God to be your helper and strength to grow in that area. He understands the responsibilities, burdens, and struggles that you carry; lean on Him. He is your ultimate example.

God the Father has every attribute of a Chayil Father; he is a good father (Psalm 145) and perfect in ALL his ways (Psalm 18:30). Of all His many attributes, below are 7 attributes of God the Father.

  • Loving (Jeremiah 31:3)

  • Compassionate (Psalm 103:13)

  • Faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9)

  • Merciful (Lamentations 3:22-23)

  • Protector (Psalm 121:7-8)

  • Provider (Psalm 23:1-3)

  • Deliverer (Psalm 116)


Every man that is reading this has the ability to be a Chayil Father. It’s not about whether you have biological children or not -- you carry the seeds. Literally and spiritually. There are seeds of greatness on the inside of you, but you must choose to cultivate those seeds and give birth to the Chayil Man that you were called to be.

A Chayil Woman who is evenly yoked, must be joined with a Chayil Man.

Sis, declare the word of God over your husband, father, brothers & sons. Whether you see it in the physical or not, speak victory over their lives and all the attributes you desire them to have. Sis, if you are in your season of preparation, begin to claim that victory for your husband wherever he is. Claim those attributes now that you desire him to have. A Chayil Woman who is evenly yoked, must be joined with a Chayil Man. #RelationshipGoals #Winning

Bro, you may already be on your journey to being an awesome Man of Valor, and are nurturing many of the characteristics discussed above that are attributes of the Chayil Man -- keep going! Whether you are a father already or are in the season of preparation, there is no better time to embrace your role as Chaily Man than now. A Chayil Man is a warrior that always wins because God is on his side. Bro, YOU ARE A WINNING MAN! Walk in your victory!

Brothers, I invite you to comment below the attributes of a Chayil Man that you most celebrate in yourself. Sisters, share with us the attributes of a Chayil Man that you most celebrate in the men in your life.

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