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Self Care is a Commandment

Are you Being Obedient?


Sisters, I’m baaa-aack! It’s been a while. It’s been a long break. An extra long hiatus. The Summer months were especially trying. I typically run a pretty busy schedule throughout the year, but the additional challenges this year of adjusting to the corona virus has been an added factor to juggle. And by the time I hit the middle of this year, I found myself in a place of pause with several things in my life as a means to regroup, refresh, and take time to nurture myself. I’ve found that in order for me to effectively give the best of myself to my family, my work, my passions, and to you, I need to ensure that I myself am WELL -- not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The corona virus -- Covid 19 -- has now impacted our lives for seven months! Seven months of restructuring our home-life, our careers, our businesses, and our goals and aspirations. Seven months or re-inventing the various roles that we play as wives, moms, sisters, daughters, aunts & friends. Seven months of a new normal that has impacted our mind, spirit, and body. As Chayil Women, we are built for moments like this. However, it is imperative that we are intentional in exercising self-care regularly, but especially in seasons such as this, in order to continue to thrive.

I’ve found that in order for me to effectively give the best of myself to my family, my work, my passions, and to you, I need to ensure that I myself am WELL -- not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Taking care of yourselves is critical in ensuring that you can joyfully and purposefully care for your loved ones. Matthew 22:39 reminds us that it is a commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself”. We are only able to love others at our best, when we love ourselves at our best. So, we are going to spend time during this month discussing and sharing ideas with each other on ways we can implement self care in our regular daily routine.


Sis, self love is not selfish, but rather an act of obedience to God. It’s not a reason to over indulge, but rather an opportunity to refresh, renew, rest, and honor God with your mind, spirit, and body. Self care is a commandment and an exercise of good stewardship of the body that God has given you. If you’ve ever doubted that you are consistently worthy of self care and love, here are 5 reasons from scripture on why you must love yourself:

  1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalm 139:13-14

  2. You are the temple of God - 1 Corinthians 3:16

  3. You are God’s masterpiece - Ephesians 2:10

  4. You are an imitator of Christ - Ephesians 5:29

  5. You are precious to God - Isaiah 43:4


Caring for your mind, spirit, and body -- especially during Covid 19 -- has required ingenuity and intentionality. And they, unfortunately, have been the areas that many of us have neglected or struggled with during this season. But as Chayil Women, we have to be obedient to the commandment to love ourselves. It requires planning and prioritizing, but we can do it!

When we talk about self care of our physical body, there are four critical areas that have an impact, which we should be intentional and consistent in weaving into our daily routine.

Drinking Water: According to Medical News Today, adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water. Water is essential for the kidneys and other bodily functions. Being hydrated with water is beneficial to the skin and aids in weight loss. Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning. Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being.

Sis, your skin and brain will thank you for including water in your daily routine, throughout the day. If you struggle with drinking water, try adding fresh fruits to your water to make it more enjoyable. 

Exercise: Though it may help you lose weight and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, exercise also benefits the mind and spirit. Did you know that regular exercise can lift your mood, fight depression, lessen anxiety and slow the cognitive decline that comes with age? The benefits of regular exercise seem endless, and we can help you enjoy these benefits. (

Sis, exercise not only offers direct benefits to your physical body, but also so to your mind and your spirit.  The rewards of just 20 minutes of consistent exercise each day will far outweigh the time that you sacrificed to add it to your routine. Put on your favorite playlist or your favorite podcast and take a stroll.

Nutrition: In an article by EatingWell, we are reminded that, If you find yourself feeling irritable or sluggish, you may need to tune up your diet. How you eat, and when, can make a huge impact on how you feel. A well-balanced nutrition keeps your moods on an even keel and your energy levels up.

Sis, what you put into your mouth is more than half your battle.  It’s not just about keeping off the weight, but even more so about taking preventive care of your body and creating a culture in your home of healthy eating. Putting good fuel in your body will also result in more physical energy to pour into the other areas of our life.

Sleep/Rest: Mental Health America articulates that while you are sleeping, the brain goes to work cleansing itself of waste, in the form of proteins, that build up between cells throughout the day. When building a healthy lifestyle, the importance of adequate sleep cannot be stressed enough. Both mind and body need rest to function at peak efficiency. Without it, your mental, emotional, and physical health suffer, potentially pushing you further away from your personal goals. When you sleep, you give your body the time it needs to cleanse, stabilize, and heal itself.

Sis, even the Creator of the Universe rested. Even the Savior of humanity rested.  After you have worked, worked, and worked and cared for everyone else, you 100% deserve to include uninterrupted rest in your routine. Rest is not only your 6-8 hours of sleep, but finding time to retreat and rest your body, your spirit, and your mind.


Loving others like yourself -- Sis, how are you loving yourself right now? You cannot pour into others from an empty vessel. in order to give your very best to your family, your career, your passions, and your ministry you’ve got to give YOURSELF your best first. You’ve only got this one body, and God commands you to honor His beautiful creation. Today, commit to making time to take good care of YOU consistently and continuously.

You cannot pour into others from an empty vessel.

Ensuring you make the time to take care of yourself may mean some work from you on the front end. Perhaps re-prioritizing your schedule, integrating menu planning, or waking up a bit earlier in the morning. It may be a little of an inconvenience initially, but it will be worth the sacrifice, because you are worth it.

As women, we have the natural proclivity to feel guilty to rest and to take a pause to take care of ourselves. Do not let shame or disappointment cripple you when you take this time; you deserve it. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1). Don’t let satan discourage you because you need to rest, or even when you feel like you've rested too much; it's okay. And don’t crucify yourself, Jesus paid it all! The bible says that YOU ARE WORTH IT. Sis, be obedient!

What ways do you integrate self care into your daily routine? Share in the comments below.

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